We regularly make financial and in-kind gifts to organizations who perform good works.
Perhaps the highest-leverage use of our charitable dollar belongs to the United Front Against River Blindness (UFAR).

This NGO is currently delivering river blindness treatment to tens of thousands of people in the Democratic Republic of Congo — for about ten cents a dose. This Nobel prize-winning pharmacological treatment is now preventing many Congolese from going blind, thanks to the efforts of UFAR and pharmaceutical giant Merck.
UFAR held their annual fundraiser last week, and Secuni was pleased to make a donation to UFAR.
For Immediate Release: October 23, 2023
Secuni Supports Eradication of River Blindness with Charitable Support to Leading NGO
Edison NJ — Secuni, a security technology integrator and services company, announced that it has made a donation to the United Front Against River Blindness (UFAR). The company’s support at the UFAR Champion level allowed 10 undergraduate students to attend UFAR’s 13th annual Soiree Saturday benefit on October 21st at the Marriot Forrestal Hotel in Princeton, NJ.
UFAR is a non-profit organization dedicated to combating five priority Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs), including river blindness, that affect millions in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The organization was founded by Dr. Daniel Shungu, a renowned medical researcher and humanitarian.
The event’s keynote speaker and honoree was Mr. William I. Campbell, Chairman Emeritus of The END Fund. Mr. Cambell pointed out that eradicating these diseases is one of the lowest cost ways to make a large impact on the human condition. Mr. Cambell singled out UFAR as being in the most effective tier of NGOs because UFAR treats individuals against river blindness (Onchocerciasis) for about 10 cents a dose.
“It was an inspirational event,” said Barton Kartoz, General Manager of Secuni, “and one must commend UFAR and The END fund for their collective efforts to alleaviate the suffering of millions through low-cost pharmceutical interventions.”

If you would like to learn more about UFAR, write to ufar@riverblindness.org or info@secuni.com.